

Choice as Subject of the Beta Sciences


In several earlier contemplations were accidence, choice and fate contemplated as laws which (may) rule human life.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Fate, in the first contemplations mentioned as 'destiny', was equalled to dharma and choice to karma. Choice, or karma, was thereby divided in the phases of subjective cause, action, objective cause, objective effect, experience and subjective effect. Thereby it was indicated that although the causal side of that division usually takes place within one and the same incarnation the whole of choice or karma often takes place spread over more incarnations. Further in this series of contemplations was accidence related to matter, choice to consciousness and fate to spirit.

In a later contemplation the alpha, beta and gamma sciences were investigated.9 There it was found among other things that the alpha sciences [in English 'humanities'] at the level of the spirit ought to formulate abstract propositions through intuitive perception, that the beta sciences [in English 'natural sciences'] at the levels of nature and matter ought to formulate concrete propositions through sensuous perception and that the gamma sciences [in English 'social sciences'] at the levels of sociality and consciousness ought to formulate deductive and inductive middle propositions through logic perception.

When we then relate the above sciences to the threefold of accidence, choice and fate it can be stated that the alpha sciences ought to busy themselves with fate, the gamma sciences with choice and the beta sciences with accidence.

It was in the regarded contemplation however stated that we presently live in a time where orientations are still dominantly materialistic. And it was sketched how so to speak these materialistic orientations draw the methods of the alpha and gamma sciences into the direction of the beta sciences. In this time the gamma sciences mainly use the beta methods and the alpha sciences mostly gamma methods.

For the subject of choice this means that this subject is mainly discussed from empiricism and from a materialistic vision of consciousness. The subjective cause of a choice is reduced to brain processes, the action to neurological processes and the objective cause to effect. The relation of these three to each other we see for instance worked out in the NLP movements (whereby 'NLP' stands for 'Neuro-Linguistic Programming'),10 in which it is tried to neuro-cerebrally program measurable success-effects. Thereby it is missed however that these success-effects usually are only objective causes within choice. For empiricism acknowledges only what can be perceived sensuously and acknowledges with that no reincarnation, wherewith thus the true effects within choice are mostly missed.

Now the research for the latter mentioned part of choice, the effects which work out mainly only after reincarnation, needs to be inspired from the alpha sciences. For reincarnation is eventually led from the spiritual destiny of the reincarnated consciousness. Choice as subject of the gamma sciences is presently discussed way too one-sidedly from the empiricism of the beta sciences. However the true gamma scientist, the true researcher of consciousness and choice, does not only draw from the propositions of the beta sciences but also from those of the alpha sciences. Therewith the true gamma scientist does thus not stick with NLP-ish theories and other malformed beta-conceptions of choice and consciousness.