

Human Types in Discussion


Humans can be categorized in four classes or types. The first human type is physically oriented. The second is emotional oriented. The third intellectual. And the fourth ethical.1, 2 This order is not randomly chosen but follows the development stages that are valid for both humanity as a whole and every individual human. When humanity came loose from the animal realm it was still dominantly physically oriented. Through the countless years however also the emotions and the intellect were developed, while in present times an ethical development rises on the horizon. This development is reflected in the individual development of man. For an individual first develops a physical orientation during childhood, an emotional during puberty, an intellectual as young adult, and an ethical as an adult. In this one will get further in his development than another. Some people in their development don't come further than a physical orientation, many only come to development of their emotional orientation, just as many come to development of their intellectual orientation, and some come to their ethical development. Thereby the age on which they come to the aforementioned developments also varies individually. With the mentioning of these different development stages it must be emphasized for nuance that these are not radically bordered but elapse through a sliding scale. We shall thus also find many physical-emotional, emotional-intellectual, and intellectual-ethical oriented ones.

Now taking the above in consideration it can be accepted that ways of communication of individuals shall be dependent upon the reached development stages. Where one communicates on physical welfare level, there shall others communicate on an emotional, intellectual or ethical level. This we see reflected in the discussions that take place on the internet. Where a specific social subject is concerned, a physical oriented person shall often groundlessly postulate that which seems physically good to him. Someone with emotional orientations shall ground his opinion especially with the own subjective experiences, while an intellectual oriented someone shall try to objectify his opinion with data. And an ethical oriented someone shall lay the emphasis on empathy and reasonability.

Let's take as an example the in Western Europe present hot issue of immigration. Someone who is physically oriented can bluntly remark that immigrants have to leave the country because they come to eat their own piece of the pie (because of which his part can become smaller), or that they in contrary have to come here to do the labour which he himself doesn't like. An emotional oriented someone shall usually make an appeal on his own experiences with immigrants. They have to stay away because he experienced that they are rude or criminal, or they are welcome because he experienced that they are in contrary so hospitable and friendly. An intellectual oriented someone however shall bring statistics and history data to the fore to ground the desirability or undesirability of immigration. And an ethically oriented person won't let his vision on the matter depend upon his own welfare, his own subjective experiences or objective data, but shall take the stand which he considers as ethically right.

The above makes clear that in discussions communication to each other takes place from different levels, and this often creates misunderstandings. Lower developed ones are usually not able to understand higher developed ones, because the first still have a development to go before they come to the level of the latter. However higher developed ones are usually able to understand lower developed ones, for they have already finished that development. What by higher developed ones however is not always understood is that they cannot be understood by the lower developed ones, and this then often leads to mutual misunderstanding and frustration in discussion. The physical oriented one then is often called brutal, the emotional oriented one stupid, the latter blames the intellectual oriented one quickly of the spreading of fake news, because his shown facts are not in line with the own experiences, and the ethical oriented one is usually considered as unrealistic.

In all that misunderstanding every discusser seems to hold on to not only his own standpoint but also his own level. And in this a task is reserved for the higher developed one, when he decides to engage in discussion with the lower developed one. For the first it is easier to come to a lower discussion level than it is for the latter to come to a higher discussion level. It may be expected from someone with a higher development level that he adapts to the one who cannot adapt to him. Thereby however the following notes must be placed. In the first place is the engaging in discussion with a lower developed one often not needed. In the second place it is not intended that the higher developed one shall take a different stance. It is rather intended to present that same standpoint on a lower level. And in the third place it is also not intended that the higher developed one comes fully on the level of the lower developed one. It is intended to stimulate the lower developed one in his development, and thereby it is suitable to leave something for him to reach out for.

Someone who for instance communicates purely on an emotional level that according to his own experiences the air is not at all polluted must by for instance an intellectual who has a different opinion not be objected with only statistics about air measurements, but can better be given tips with which can be come to other experiences (for instance through the experimental discrimination of forest air and city air), backed by the regarded statistics. By referring in the answer to the own experiences of the emotional oriented one the intellectual adapts to the communication level of the aforementioned. By postulating the possibility of another experience for him the intellectual stays at his own standpoint. And by backing the presentation of the possible other experience with statistic data he lets the emotional oriented one get acquainted with another level of communication, which shall help the aforementioned in his intellectual development.

Thus much misunderstanding in discussion can be avoided and thus discussers can help each other forward.