
Ageless Wisdom

Man on the Planes

  • Title: Ageless Wisdom, Man on the Planes.
  • Author: Arvindus.
  • Publisher: Arvindus.
  • Copyright: Arvindus, 2012 / 2020, all rights reserved.
  • Index: 201212031.
  • Edition: html, second edition.

Preface Second Edition

In the second edition of this publication figure 3, 'Man on the Solar Planes Tabulated' has been added. This figure has earlier seperately been published as 'Ageless Wisdom, An Additional Figure of Man on the Planes' with the index number 201405242. This latter publication has now been taken out of publication.


In the ageless wisdom the term 'plane' is used a lot. In this contemplation shall the different planes be thematized, and then especially in relation to the constitution of man.

The Planes, Consciousness and Entities

What is a plane? Because the term 'plane' is sometimes interchangingly used with the term 'world'1 it may be tempting to think of the planes as being some sort of localities. A plane however is not a locality but is essentially a state of consciousness2 or a state of being.3

Different grades of consciousness are discerned in the ageless wisdom which can be categorized in several ways. First of all a distinction is made between coherent (or coordinated) consciousness and incoherent (or uncoordinated) consciousness. Coherent consciousness distincts itself from incoherent consciousness in its recognition of itself as a separate identity.4 All grades of consciousness under the human are considered as incoherent. Human consciousness and all grades upwards are considered as coherent.5 Below the human consciousness we find animal, vegetable and mineral consciousness, and atomic consciousness. Above we find causal consciousness, planetary consciousness and logoic consciousness.6 'Human consciousness' here refers to consciousness as a human personality where 'causal consciousness' refers to consciousness as a human soul.7 Planetary consciousness concerns consciousness of a planetary Logos (or planetary entity, or Heavenly Man) where Logoic consciousness concerns that of a solar Logos (or solar entity, or Grand Heavenly Man).8, 9 In still other terms are grades of consciousness lower than the human termed plainly as 'consciousness', is human consciousness termed as 'self-consciousness', planetary consciousness as 'group consciousness' and Logoic consciousness as 'God consciousness'.10

Now these grades of consciousness are not static but are evolving and expanding.11 Subhuman consciousness expands towards human consciousness, human towards planetary and planetary towards solar.12 And the solar Logos on its turn works to attain to the consciousness of a cosmic Logos.13 In this evolution of one grade of consciousness to another also different subgrades can be discerned (with the progression from one of these to another being called 'initiation'14).15

To this overview should be added that one entity carries within itself entities smaller in consciousness and that it is itself part of an entity greater in consciousness. Atoms are part of a man, men are part of a planetary Logos, planetary Logoi are part of a solar Logos and solar Logoi are part of a cosmic Logos.16

Here we shall not go into details of initiations and expansion of consciousness of the different entities. The above overview is only used to bring to the fore that the different planes as states of consciousness are related to different entities. And as we shall see is in the ageless wisdom prime attention given to the planes related to our solar Logos because these are also the most important where the evolution of man is concerned.

The Law of Correspondences and the Occult Method

In contemplating the different planes of the different entities the Law of Correspondences and the occult method shall be followed.

The Law of Correspondences, or Law of Analogy,17 dictates that everything in the universe follows analogy18 and that the principles of the greater are repeated in the smaller.19 'As above, so below' is the dictum. Now what is a characteristic principle of this universe is that it is septenary,20 or sevenfold.21 So what we will find septenary in the macrocosmos we will find too septenary in the microcosmos.22 The greater sevenfold will be reflected in the smaller sevenfold. And the smaller sevenfold will correspond with the greater sevenfold. This goes for universes, solar systems, planets, humans, atoms and all left unmentioned.23 This then goes also for the planes to which the mentioned entities are related. The planes are septenary in nature and the greater sevenfold of planes reflects in the smaller sevenfold of planes (which to the greater planes are subplanes).24

Now before enumerating the different planes it should be mentioned that in doing this the occult method shall be applied. In this method the regarded subject is ever approached from the greater towards to smaller, from the whole towards the part, from the periphery towards the centre, from the universal towards the particular and from the cosmic towards the individual.25 Thus applying the occult method on the septenary planes, while adhering to the Law of Correspondences, shall we work from the greater towards the smaller septenary planes.

Enumeration of the Planes

Recapitulating what has been contemplated so far it can be said that the planes are septenary grades of consciousness belonging to entities of different grades. These septenary grades shall in principle be similar for all grades of entities under the Law of Correspondences. Let us first, abiding to the Law of Correspondence, enumerate the septenary planes here in their difference among each other without yet relating them to any of the grades of entities. After this enumeration, following the occult method, it can be sketched how these planes manifest in relation with different grades of entities.

The first plane is the highest26 and is primarily called 'plane adi'.27 It is also mentioned as 'divine plane', 'archetypal plane'28 and 'Logoic plane'29. The second plane is primarily called 'monadic plane' and is also mentioned as 'anupadaka'. The third plane is primarily called 'atmic plane' and is further called 'spiritual plane'. The fourth plane is primarily called 'buddhic plane' and is further called 'intuitional plane'. The fifth is called 'mental plane' and is further called 'manasic plane', the sixth 'astral plane' and is further called 'emotional plane' or 'kamaic plane'30 and the seventh and lowest plane is called 'physical plane'.31, 32 Note that these planes are also, and most primarily, mentioned by their numbering as 'first plane', 'second plane', 'third plane', 'fourth plane', 'fifth plane', 'sixth plane' and 'seventh plane'.

Now following the occult method the first sevenfold of planes (being greater in line) to mention are; 'cosmic adi', 'cosmic monadic', 'cosmic atmic', 'cosmic buddhic', 'cosmic mental', 'cosmic astral' and 'cosmic physical'.

When continuing from these sevenfold cosmic planes to the sevenfold solar planes it should be remembered what was brought to the fore in the first paragraph. Planes are grades of consciousness related to grades of entities and a smaller entity is part of a greater entity. Thus is a smaller sevenfold of planes part of a greater sevenfold of planes, and this is seen in the relation of the seven solar planes with the seven cosmic planes. The seven solar planes are seven subplanes of the lowest cosmic plane, the cosmic physical.33 This being the case also adds names of reference to these solar planes. The first solar plane is besides with 'solar plane adi', 'solar divine plane', etcetera, also referred to with the names 'first cosmic ether', 'atomic plane' and 'sea of fire'. The second is also called 'second cosmic ether', 'sub-atomic plane' and 'akasha', the third 'third cosmic ether' 'super-etheric plane' and 'aether', the fourth 'fourth cosmic ether', 'super-gaseous plane' and 'air', the fifth 'cosmic gaseous', 'sub-etheric plane' and 'fire', the sixth 'cosmic liquid' and 'water',34 and the seventh solar plane is also called 'cosmic dense', 'dense plane' and 'earth'.35 These seven solar planes are also given names such as 'first cosmic physical subplane', 'second cosmic physical subplane', etcetera.

Now in line with the Law of Correspondence is the relation as sketched between the cosmic physical plane and the solar planes repeated on all planes and subplanes. The solar planes are subplanes of the cosmic physical plane. However every cosmic plane has seven subplanes. And likewise does every solar plane have seven subplanes (which from cosmic perspective would be subsubplanes). For instance the solar physical plane consists of seven solar physical subplanes which are called 'first ether', 'second ether', 'third ether', 'fourth ether', 'gaseous', 'liquid' and 'dense'. Now the majority of men are as yet only functioning consciously on the three lowest of the solar physical subplanes; the gaseous, the liquid and the dense.36 With this explication we have a point of reference from which the other planes can be navigated (even if only theoretically).

Before proceeding with taking a wider view on the relation of men with the planes it may be useful to take a look at figure 1 where an overview is drawn of what has been contemplated in this paragraph.

Man on the Planes

Consciousness and Polarisation

Towards the end of the previous paragraph it was explicated that the majority of men are as yet only functioning consciously on the three lowest of the solar physical subplanes; the gaseous, the liquid and the dense. In the first paragraph it was also brought to the fore however that the grades of consciousness, such as that of man, are not static but are evolving and expanding. Thus is man not statically fixed on the three lowest solar physical subplanes. Even in these days there are men that have developed already etheric vision,37 and in the coming centuries it is mentioned to become as natural as is dense, liquid and gaseous vision now.38

Here a distinction needs to be made between consciousness and polarisation.39 The majority of men is today conscious on the three lower solar physical subplanes but is polarised either on the solar emotional or mental plane.40 'Polarisation' here refers to the working of higher principles of an entity through its lower principles. In an astral polarised man for instance uses a man's soul principally that man's astral body as a vehicle.41

Man's Constitution

The above subparagraph was included to make clear that man's consciousness is not statically fixed on the three lowest solar physical subplanes, and that likewise his polarisation is not statically fixed in his astral body, but that there is a gradual expansion upwards. This expansion upwards through the different planes can be made understandable by explicating, shortly, the different principles in man's constitution.

Basically seven principles are found in man on six of the seven solar planes. That there are seven solar planes and that seven principles are found in man shows the presence of the Law of Correspondence, however that these seven principles are found on only six solar planes shows that this Law needs correct interpretation.

So seven principles are found in man on six solar planes. Let us enumerate the principles here with their corresponding plane. Counting conform the occult method we find as first principle the monad on the monadic plane. The second principle is atma (spiritual will) on the atmic plane. The third is buddhi (intuition) on the buddhic plane. Fourth is higher manas (abstract mind) on the mental plane. Fifth is lower manas (concrete mind) on the mental plane. Sixth is kama (desire, feeling) on the astral plane. And the seventh principle is that of prana (vital energy) on the physical plane.42 In this enumeration it may be noticed that the highest principle of man is not on the first and highest solar plane, but on the second. It is not found on the solar divine but on the solar monadic plane. It may also be noticed that both higher manas and lower manas are found on the mental plane. These two principles however are found on different subplanes of the solar mental plane. Higher manas is found on the first subplane and lower manas on the fourth.43

That more must be explained about the constituting principles of man on the solar manasic plane shall become clear when we take the above sketched septenary constitution together into a threefold constitution, consisting of monad, soul (or ego) and personality.44 In this threefold are the physical, kama and lower manas constituent of the personality and are higher manas, buddhi and atma this of the soul. The monad as monad completes the sevenfold constitution taken into the threefold constitution. Here it should be remarked that the monad, although one, is a threefold (in line with the Law of Correspondences), consisting of will or power, of love-wisdom and of active intelligence.45 This monad, being the highest principle in man, uses the lower principles as vehicles or as bodies of expression.46

Now these bodies through which the monad expresses itself have on the highest (or atomic) subplane of their corresponding solar plane a focal point that "serves as a nucleus for the distribution of force, for the conservation of faculty, for the assimilation of experience, and for the preservation of memory" named 'permanent atom'.47 For lower manas however this focal point, named 'mental unit', is found on the fourth subplane of the solar mental plane.48, 49 On the third solar mental subplane still another body is found, namely the egoic body, also called 'causal vehicle', 'karana sarira' or 'twelve-petalled lotus'.50 This regards the body of the soul.51

We shall not go deeper here into details of the constitution of man as the goal of the present contemplation was merely to give an overview of the constitution of man on the planes. This overview, as thematized in the present paragraph, is drawn in figure 2 and tabulated in figure 3.52 For a deeper understanding of the constitution of man other contemplations may be undertaken.


We set out to contemplate man on the planes. For this first the planes were taken in consideration. A plane was found to be essentially a state of consciousness and as such related to an entity. Man is such an entity. In contemplating the planes the Law of Correspondences and the occult method were followed. Following thus we came to an enumeration as given in figure 1. Then, after enumerating the principles in man, could the latter be placed on their corresponding planes, resulting in an overview as drawn in figure 2 and tabulated in figure 3.

May this overview, elucidated somewhat in this contemplation, contribute to a clearer understanding of man on the planes.

  1. Helena I. Roerich, Letters of Helene Roerich, Volume I, (1929-1938), Agni Yoga Society, New York, 1954, p. 87 (letter 30, 12 December 1931). "We must understand the proportions of this Battle, which takes place on all planes or worlds."
  2. Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Healing, A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Volume IV, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001, p. 490. "Forget not that a plane is essentially a state of consciousness and not a locality, as so many esotericists seem to think."
  3. Alice A. Bailey, The Rays and the Initiations, A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Volume V, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001, p. 662. "Little has been said anent the more important truth that initiation admits a man into some area or level of the divine consciousness—into a plane or rather a state of being hitherto regarded as sealed and closed."
  4. Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001, p. 279. "Animal, vegetable and mineral consciousness which differs from the human consciousness in many particulars, and primarily in that it does not co-ordinate, or deduce and recognise separate identity."
  5. Ibidem, p. 295. "Man, the lowest type of coherent consciousness (using the word "consciousness" in its true connotation as the "One who knows") is but a cell, a minute atom within a group."
  6. Ibidem, p. 279. "a. Logoic consciousness, or the successive states of divine realisation within the solar sphere.
    b. Planetary consciousness, or the consciousness of a Heavenly Man as He cycles successively through the scheme.
    c. Causal consciousness, or the successive expanding of the intelligent awareness of a human being from life to life.
    d. Human consciousness, or the awareness of a man on the physical plane, and progressively on the emotional and the mental planes.
    e. Animal, vegetable and mineral consciousness which differs from the human consciousness in many particulars, and primarily in that it does not co-ordinate, or deduce and recognise separate identity. It resembles human consciousness in that it covers the response to successive contacts of the units involved during their small cycles.
    f. Atomic consciousness, demonstrating through successive states of repulsion and attraction. In this last definition lies the key to the other states of consciousness."
  7. Alice A. Bailey, Letters on Occult Meditation, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001, p. 28. "It is by meditation, or the reaching from the concrete to the abstract, that the causal consciousness is entered, and man—during this final period—becomes the Higher self and not the Personality."
  8. Alice A. Bailey, The Light of the Soul, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001, p. 387. "His [the spiritual man's] "consciousness is one and yet has produced the varied forms of the many" within his little cosmos, and what is true of him is true of his great prototype, the Heavenly Man, the planetary Logos, and true again of the prototype of his prototype, the Grand Man of the Heavens, the solar Logos, God in manifestation through the solar system."
  9. The use of capitals for naming entities such as planetary and solar Logoi is in Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy by Alice A. Bailey not always consistent. In this contemplation we shall write 'Logos' with a capital, but not the preceding predicates.
  10. Alice A. Bailey, The Consciousness of the Atom, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001, p. 92. "Thus, in summing up, we have four states of intelligent activity, which we might term consciousness, self-consciousness, group consciousness, and God consciousness."
  11. Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 295. "These two concepts lead necessarily to a third, that of the development of consciousness, which is the gradual expansion of the realisation of the Indweller in the form, the apprehension by the Self of the relation of the form to Itself, and of its slow utilisation and control. This persists until that Realisation includes the cell, the group, and the totality of groups. These ideas can be applied to the three grades of consciousness referred to. As follows:
    Man, the lowest type of coherent consciousness (using the word "consciousness" in its true connotation as the "One who knows") is but a cell, a minute atom within a group.
    A Heavenly Man represents a coherent conscious group.
    A solar Logos on His Own plane holds an analogous place to that of a Heavenly Man in a solar system, and from a still higher standpoint to that of a man within the solar system."
  12. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 7. "The goal for the evolution of the atom is self-consciousness as exemplified in the human kingdom.
    The goal for the evolution of man is group consciousness, as exemplified by a planetary Logos.
    The goal for the planetary Logos is God consciousness, as exemplified by the solar Logos."
  13. Ibidem, p. 291-292. "The work of a solar logos is again of a corresponding nature: […]. b. He has to attain to the consciousness of the cosmic Logos within Whose body He is a centre."
  14. Alice A. Bailey, Initiation, Human and Solar, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001, p. 12. "Initiation, or the process of undergoing an expansion of consciousness, […]."
  15. Nota 3.
  16. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 272. "d. The Heavenly Men form the seven centres in the body of the Logos. […].
    e. Human beings, when centred within their groups on causal levels, form one or other of the seven centres in the body of a Heavenly Man.
    f. The solar Logos forms one centre in the body of a still greater cosmic ENTITY."
  17. Ibidem, p. 7. "This Law of Correspondences or of Analogy is the interpretive law of the system, and explains God to man."
  18. Helena P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, Volume I, in: Theosophical Classics, (CD-ROM), Theosophical Publishing House, Manilla, 2002, p. 177. "Everything in the Universe follows analogy. "As above, so below;" Man is the microcosm of the Universe."
  19. The Consciousness of the Atom, p. 54. "The macrocosm repeats itself in man, the microcosm, and the microcosm is again reflected in all lesser atoms."
  20. The Secret Doctrine, Volume I, p. 158. "Everything in the metaphysical as in the physical Universe is septenary."
  21. Ibidem, p. 152. "Moreover, the one eternal LAW unfolds everything in the (to be) manifested Nature on a sevenfold principle; […]."
  22. Letters on Occult Meditation, p. 300. "[…] the following four fundamentals:— […] b. The septenary constitution of the macrocosm and the microcosm."
  23. Alice A. Bailey, Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001, p. 181. "Under the great Law of Correspondences, all that I have here given or indicated can be applied by the student to all forms of life: to a universe, to a solar system, to a planet, to a human being, to any subhuman form and to the tiniest atom of substance (whatever you may mean by that last term!)."
  24. Letters on Occult Meditation, p. 351. "Atomic Subplane. The matter of the solar system is divided by the occultists into seven planes or states, the highest of which is the atomic plane. Similarly, each of the seven planes is divided into seven subplanes, of which the highest is called the atomic subplane. There are therefore forty-nine subplanes, and seven of these are atomic."
  25. Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, p. 41. "The occultist ever approaches the subject connected with the evolutionary process from the angle of the whole and then the part, from the periphery to the centre, from the universal to the particular."
  26. Letters on Occult Meditation, p. 350. "Adi. The First; the primeval; the atomic plane of the solar system; the highest of the seven planes."
  27. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 344.
  28. Ibidem, p. 79. "It has its correspondence on the archetypal plane, —the plane we call that of the divine manifestation, the first plane of our solar system, the plane Adi."
  29. Ibidem, p. 117.
  30. The Light of the Soul, p. 329. "The emotional, astral or kamic plane, […]"
  31. Nota 27.
  32. Nota 29.
  33. Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Volume III, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001, p. 33. "I might here remind you that the seven planes of our solar system are the seven subplanes of the cosmic physical plane."
  34. Nota 27.
  35. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 82.
  36. Ibidem, p. 474. "The majority of men only function consciously on the three lower levels of the physical—the gaseous, the liquid, and the dense—and the etheric levels are as sealed to them as are the astral."
  37. Ibidem, p. 453. "Etheric vision is comparatively common even now. But comment concerning it is rare, owing to the fear of criticism."
  38. Ibidem, p. 474. "In the coming centuries, man's normal habitat will be the entire physical plane up to, though not including, the second subplane. The fourth and third etheric levels will be as familiar to him as the usual physical landscape to which he is now accustomed."
  39. Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology, Volume I, A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Volume I, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001, p. 375. "Today the bulk of human beings are polarised on the lower levels of the astral plane, but are conscious in the physical body."
  40. Letters on Occult Meditation, p. 336. "The polarisation is now no longer physical, but is either emotional or mental."
  41. Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on White Magic, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001, p. 112. "When you use the term: "a man polarized in his astral body"—you really mean a man whose ego works principally through that vehicle."
  42. The Light of the Soul, p. 74.
    "1. Prana vital energy etheric body physical plane.
    2. Kama desire, feeling astral body astral plane.
    3. Lower manas concrete mind mental body mental plane.
    4. Higher manas abstract mind egoic body mental plane.
    5. Buddhi Intuition buddhic body buddhic plane.
    6. Atma spiritual will atmic body atmic plane.
    And that which corresponds to the "boundless immutable principle" in the macrocosm, the Monad (on its own plane) constitutes the seventh principle."
  43. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 817.
  44. Ibidem, p. 4. "A human being is equally triple, manifesting as Spirit, Soul and Body, or Monad, Ego and Personality."
  45. Initiation, Human and Solar, p. xv.
  46. Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, p. 135. "In this connection, it is well known to students that the Monad expresses itself through the Spiritual Triad, the Soul through the three aspects of the Egoic Lotus, and the Personality through the three mechanical vehicles."
  47. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 69-70. "Each body or form wherein Spirit functions has, for its focal point on each plane, an atom composed of matter of the atomic subplane of each plane. This serves as a nucleus for the distribution of force, for the conservation of faculty, for the assimilation of experience, and for the preservation of memory."
  48. Letters on Occult Meditation, p. 357. "Permanent atom. Those five atoms, with the mental unit, one on each of the five planes of human evolution (the mental unit being also on the mental plane) which the monad appropriates for purposes of manifestation. They form a stable-1 centre and are relatively permanent. Around them the various sheaths or bodies are built. They are literally small force centres."
  49. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 1159. "[...] the mental unit on the fourth subplane of the mental plane [...]."
  50. A Treatise on White Magic, p. 361-362. "Hence it is the mind principle in humanity which brings into manifestation the egoic body, the causal vehicle, the karana sarira, the twelve-petalled lotus."
  51. Ibidem, p. 105. "There is the radiant body of the soul itself, found on its own plane, and called, frequently, the Karana Sarira or the causal body."
  52. Figure 2 is a redrawing from A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Chart III, p. 117. In this Chart III the mental unit is placed on the fifth mental subplane while in several statements in the texts this mental unit is placed on the fourth mental subplane. Figure 2 follows the text statements instead of Chart III. See also note 49.
  • Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001.
  • Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on White Magic, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001.
  • Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Volume III, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001.
  • Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Healing, A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Volume IV, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001.
  • Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology, Volume I, A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Volume I, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001.
  • Alice A. Bailey, Initiation, Human and Solar, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001.
  • Alice A. Bailey, Letters on Occult Meditation, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001.
  • Alice A. Bailey, Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001.
  • Alice A. Bailey, The Consciousness of the Atom, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001.
  • Alice A. Bailey, The Light of the Soul, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001.
  • Alice A. Bailey, The Rays and the Initiations, A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Volume V, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001.
  • Helena P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, Volume I, in: Theosophical Classics, (CD-ROM), Theosophical Publishing House, Manilla, 2002.
  • Helena I. Roerich, Letters of Helene Roerich, Volume I, (1929-1938), Agni Yoga Society, New York, 1954.
Figure 1: The Planes
1st Cosmic -, - Adi, Divine -, Logoic -, Archetypal -
2nd Cosmic -, Anupadaka, Monadic -
3rd Cosmic -, Atmic -, Spiritual -
4th Cosmic -, Buddhic -, Intuitional -
5th Cosmic -, Manasic -, Mental -
6th Cosmic -, Astral -, Kamic -, Emotional -
7th Cosmic -, Physical -
1st Cosmic Physical sub-, 1st Cosmic Ether, 1st Solar -, - Adi, Divine -, Logoic -, Archetypal -
2nd Cosmic Physical sub-, 2nd Cosmic Ether, 2nd Solar -, Anupadaka, Monadic -
3rd Cosmic Physical sub-, 3rd Cosmic Ether, 3rd Solar -, Atmic -, Spiritual -
4th Cosmic Physical sub-, 4th Cosmic Ether, 4th Solar -, Buddhic -, Intuitional -
5th Cosmic Physical sub-, Cosmic Gaseous, 5th Solar -, Manasic -, Mental -
6th Cosmic Physical sub-, Cosmic Liquid, 6th Solar -, Astral -, Kamic -, Emotional -
7th Cosmic Physical sub-, Cosmic Dense, 7th Solar -, Physical -
1st Solar Physical sub-, 1st Ether
2nd Solar Physical sub-, 2nd Ether
3rd Solar Physical sub-, 3rd Ether
4th Solar Physical sub-, 4th Ether
5th Solar Physical sub-, Gaseous
6th Solar Physical sub-, Liquid
7th Solar Physical sub-, Dense

Figure 1.

Figure 2: Man on he Solar Planes
Man on the Planes

Figure 2.

Figure 3: Man on the Solar Planes Tabulated
Divine Plane   1st    
Monadic Plane   1st Will & Love-Wisdom & Active Intelligence Monad
Atmic Plane   1st Atmic Permanent Atom Soul
Buddhic Plane Intuition 1st Buddhic Permanent Atom
Mental / Manasic Plane Abstract Thought 1st Manasic Permanent Atom
3rd Egoic Body
Concrete Thought
4th Mental Unit Personality
Astral Plane Emotion 1st Astral Permanent Atom
Physical Plane Subtle Physical / Etheric 1st Ether Physical Permanent Atom
2nd Ether    
3rd Ether
4th Ether
Dense Physical

Figure 3.